The Life of Yorick ~ two

~ chapter two ~ part two ~

(Orchestral Frogger)

Continued car hopping ... until !

Nocturne lands on the hood of the unmarked car, waves to the driver (total 60's cop).  He watches her crawl to the roof and reaches for his pistol (suit holstered, wide tie).

Over the passenger side, she reaches pops the siren light from the other, flips it off and shoves it in her satchel. ... pulls back ... waiting ...

She pushes down on the roof over his head and pulls her hand back ... a shot.

Bangs to the left, three more shots.

Continues until no shot.

She shakes her head and crawls back over the hood leaning over the edge, looks back, gun raised, "You're predictable !"

In a rage (trying to reload while driving), he slams on the breaks, she leaps from the hood in a flip, one through the windshield, she lands on the trunk of a patrol car.  Fires three times through the lock.  Turns.

The passenger cop turns with his pistol, the trunk goes up.

Up top, she rolls over the roof, holding the trunk lid with one hand, fires through to the passenger, one shot.  Pulls herself into the trunk, digging (shoving gear in the satchel) she finds the tow-chain.

Looks to the turning chopper, looks to the Edsel.  Waits ... takes an off the bow shot across the helicopter windshield.  It bobs to the side ...

She hurls the chains into the rotor, it tows until cracking, flinging her to the Edsel's roof.  Chopper's down, the rest in disarray behind.  Mariposa turns off the road, cutting through and crossing an off ramp, and into the woods.

Nocturne - Crawling back in, "There."

Mariposa - "Oh My God Thank You !"

Nocturne - Taking back the head, she sets it on the seat, pulls out a multi-tool and starts prying at the siren.  "Now tell us what's going on Mishil ... we have ways of licking you talk ..." 

Mariposa clears her throat and slams a fist over the glove compartment, filled with toys, ribbons and rope, fuzzy cuff and a massive dildo.

A sigh ... Mishil turns back fast to Nocturne.

Mishil - In the Nocturne zombie voice, "First of all ... my name ... isn't Yorick ..."

A stoke of dramatic lightning and horns ...

Laurence stumbles out of the renaissance pub into the rain after stuck in the door with Shakespeare.  He walks down the road, Shakespeare stumbling off another way glaring, a woman running to on toes.

Lawrence - (still zombie voiced over) "... my name ... was Laurence ... and i did not talk ... like thissss ..."

Nocturne - (voiced over) "Sure you did."

Laurence stumbles drunk into the locked apothecary door, stumbles backward and sees the note pinned to it.

(Nocturne's voiced over as he reads)

"Dear Laurence.

"I need some poison not to kill me with.  Don't worry.  It's for love."



"Bad Bitch Juliet of Capulet Way."

(Shakespeare in the distance - "! Harlot !" with alley echoed giggles)

"PS ~ Don't forget to edit in the stupid right accent before sending off the script."

In Mariposa's head - Horrible accent, "Mum was a crazy and her da was an opium sot !"

A twitch ...

She drives the deep wood path slowly, looking up at the overhanging trees, last helicopter departs, Nocturne gesturing the tale to Yorick as Yorick in the back seat.

Mishil points out the dual tread overgrown trail branching off.

('Can't Be Broken' by Little Wayne and Halsey)

Timepiece rides slowly through the freeway wreckage, seated upright.  Cars turned, helicopters crashed, fuel tanks lit all around, she rides creeping toward the end.

Random - "Freeze !"

Stops, she turns to the cop, his gun pointed (driver of the last car).  She dismounts and walks to.  He fires as she knocks a shoulder a bit forward to counter, a metal sound.  The hashed bullet slides down from her sleeve.

She flicks it at his forehead and grabs his throat in passing, his gun hand with her other and crunches it, his screams.

Slams him to the side of his patrol car, she holsters his gun (his holster), hand still attached through the trigger, locks it in.

Cop - "Aww ... FUCK me."

Timepiece - "Hm."

Pulls a gunwick blade, ignites it through the window, waves it out and holsters.  Flips him around shoving his head in the window and pulling out his cuffs, his head in front of the computer.  "Password."  Pulls a knife and starts cutting the belt-loops on his pants.

Cop - ... an exhale, "... officer friendly ..."

Timepiece - "Jesus Christ.  Is it caps ?"  Slams him against the car.  "Is it !?"

Cop - Pain, "It ... aiii ... doesn't fucking matter ... AHHH !  No caps ! NO CAPS !"

She cuts the last loops, then the heavy belt, it drops hanging from his hand with another scream, she kicks it, it drops.  Kicked toward the motorcycle, approaching on it's own.

He's pulled back out and slammed again to the side, hand on throat, she reaches in, it passes, she tears out the console and sets it on the roof.  Leaning in, eyes flipping through modes individually, she looks at his badge.

Timepiece - "An inverted 7 point star.  That's ... really odd."

Cop - ... wincing, then hard breathing thought ... "... Why ?"

Timepiece - "I just ... haven't seen one since the old maps of Babylon.  It's ... odd."

... her head leans to the side ...

Cop - ... "I don't know anything about that."

... eyes swapping modes ...

Timepiece - "I believe you."  Eyes ... "Why did you pull me over."

... his eyes wide, a blink ...

Cop - "You're suspicious !  This is all ... Really Fucking Suspicious !"

Timepiece - "So ?!"  She drops him.  "I found you all alone in a pile of dead bodies.  That's suspicious."

Takes the console, turns for the bike as it rolls up, kicks up and catches the belt, stashes it with the console in the saddlebags. "I slowed to see if any needed assistance."

She mounts.  Stares.  "Here's the keys."  Tosses them sliding to.


Timepiece - "Think you saw me ?  Camera's off."

The rear wheel skids before she flashes away.

Whispered in Asherah's ear ~ "Held within me from the dawn, my beloved before and after, and always in my heart.  It's yours."

Her eyes close with a gasp, fingers into her mouth, her tongue.