Persephone's Manor ~ chapter two

~ chapter two ~ part one ~

(follows 'The Motorcycle')

Cigarettes, fast food garbage, random ancient bones, jewels and gold slide across the dash while she swerves.  New fuzzy dice, blurred and ashen windows, wiped clean lazily.

Mariposa - Sitting on a book, driving terribly and leaning over the wheel to see, she bangs on the horn.  "That's a really long time ... what did you eat ?"

Mishil sits floating on the tube ... a pod of dolphins arcing nearby.

Brooding eye.

Dolphin eye.

Brooding eye closer.

Dolphin eye closer.

Sideways dolphin smile and happy chirps ...

Her eye tweaks.

She leaps roaring from the tube with a jagged steel from the wreckage.

Nocturne - Backseat, hand out the window, "Dolphins are horrible people."

Mariposa - "It's true.  If you think of them as people, they really are quite awful to one another."

Nocturne - "That's what I said."

Mishil - "! FUCK their social hierarchies."

Her eyes (and the world) go dark.

Nocturne - "um"

Mishil - "I have observed them."

She bursts from the water with the dolphin struggling in a headlock, arm raised with the jagged steel.

She stares into nothingness ...

Mishil - "For forty long days.  And forty long nights."

... the dolphin chip echoes ...


Nocturne - "So you ate fish."


Mishil - Snaps out of it, "Are they fish ?  I thought they were mammals."

Mariposa - "They are."


Nocturne - "Fuck you guys." 

Persephone's Manor

('Strange Relationship' (rehearsal) by Prince)

To Yorick's face held out the back window, wide eyed, police in pursuit behind him, followed by helicopters, all unheard.  Into the black of his eye.

~ chapter two ~

'The Life of Yorick'

Out from the black of a painted vase, a Roman record of Mars.  Two roses twined in the receptacle, one red and one white.  Sitting near a bowl of fruit, a curtain draped over the stand, arranged and shadowed as a still-life.

Further still showing the band from Elizabeth's party (from 'The Sisterhood') playing in front of the stand.  To Elizabeth's observations with Raleigh ass kissing, conspiring nobility encircling the floor.

Said footage taken from the original 'Sisterhood' scene.

In place of the dancers, two lines.  All the characters from all the tales in Renaissance attire living or dead, the actors dressed to infer their characters, but out of make-up, instead a masquerade.

They approach and dance into a twirling cotillion, changing partners at the changes in song, adversaries glaring in passing.

Gossip at the buffet as the adversaries pass.

Lovers and flirtations greeted well.

Raleigh leans in to whisper to Elizabeth.  She listens, still observing.

A spin from the double bass viola.

(these element mix to the end)

The Eastern and Western versions of Nocturne spin into each other's arms.  They smile leaning in for a kiss.

Asherah gasps for air.

She kisses the fingers entering her mouth, he pulls it out.  His hand passes between her unseen breasts, view sideways.  The other hand brings a cigarette lit to her mouth, inhaled.

Stretched as her arms tied over her head, down and down and past the camera, another gasp, the sound of a kiss, smoke drifts.

The scrapbook picture burns in Mishil's eye.  Open, a picture of herself with Nocturne (Eastern) with Qiu inside the UFO, Hector and Sally looming behind, all waving from the after-party.


Nocturne - (unseen) "My God you're broody today."

Mishil - Flips down the charred sun visor, a cracked vanity mirror, Nocturne in the back seat, arm out the window, sirens out the back.  "I have reasons."

Nocturne - Pulls her arm in (Yorick), leans over and kisses her cheek.  "You can be broody."  Licks her ear, whispers "But it does make you sidekick today."

She holds Yorick over the other shoulder, he looks at Mishil.

Mishil - "Oh no."

Nocturne - "Yes !  These guys are really pissing me off !  The sirens !  I can't even hear them anymore !  I think I should deal with them."  She strokes her hair and kisses her cheek, O-kay ... ?"

Mariposa - Swerving, "Oh yes please do they're really making me tense."

Mishil - ... A sigh staring with Yorick, "o ... kay ..."

She takes Yorick with a grimace.  Looks at him while the sounds of loading and check from Nocturne, he looks back.  Looks at the window, looks back.

She furrows her brow.

Puts her arm out the window while Nocturne crawls out and onto the roof, grabbing the top rack.  Mishil sees the head straining to see Nocturne behind.  "Holy shit."  Pulls him back in, turns him around, back out, he watches her on the roof.

Nocturne - Stands on the rooftop firing, "! Let the Bitches RAIN !!!" 

(Timepiece rides)

She pulls a cord from her arm and plugs into the motorcycle.

Timepiece - Pulls a mic down from her headset, "Timepiece actual, come in." ... she waits ... "Timepiece Actual COME IN PLEASE."


She yanks the cord, it pulls back to her arm.  "Fuck."

She taps and drags an electronic map over the fuselage, flips a switch-cover at the throttle, the motorcycle accelerates, then flashes away.

The lid of the wooden chest in the hut jumps again.

Nameless stares smoking at it, sitting upright, shoulder view.  The sound of a kiss, his shoulder active in reaching strokes.  He passes the smoke down.

Asherah - (unseen) Inhale ... "Do we care ?"  Another sound of a kiss.

Nameless - "Possibly."  An exhale of smoke from his lap.  He drags and passes looking down, reaches to put out the cigarette with wicked grin.  "But not yet."

His shoulder shows a sudden pull, a long soft exhale from his lap.

A helicopter sniper, loads and scopes, the scope shot through, through the pilot glass, swerving off.  Nocturne hold back her guns, bullets around.  Slow breaking glass at her feet, her toes under the top rack while the car swerves the barrage.

She sees an undercover screech in from the on-ramp, a single flashing light with magnetic placement.  Her eyes go wide, she looks at Yorick, his eyes wide, he looks back from it to her.  She smiles ...

Nocturne - Crouching low, "Mariposa my Sweet !  Slam the brakes and slow to sixty five !"

Mariposa head out the window, the rear view gets shot through.  Middle finger out the window.  She leans out balancing on the swerving steering wheel, "Fuck You !"  Then to Nocturne, "What !?"

Nocturne and Mishil - "! Slam the brakes and slow to sixty five !"

Brakes and swerve, the cars approach fast responding.

Nocturne - "Okay now GO !"  She leaps from the roof.  From the air, "Be-right-back !"

Timepiece rides through time near stopped, the profane beasts seen and aware, in motion.  She locks the throttle and leans back, foot-pegs gearing into the steering.

Pulls the gunwicks and sweeps them through two beasts in passing, then fires a blade to explosion ahead, path briefly cleared.  She glances down at the console, a coordinate lock.

Looks ahead, jacks out a new blade.

The motorcycle skids into real world, rear tire reversing hard in the skid, she wrestles the sweep.  Leaning on a foot, her pistol brace across her chest, breathing hard in an empty street at the Clockwork docks.

Everything's destroyed (Doe did it).

Timepiece - ... "Fuck."


Nocturne lands on a hood.  She fires once through the glass and leaps off as it swerves.  Another, and another, and another ...

~ continue ~