Juliet Lost ~ two

~ The Maiden's Tale ~ chapter one ~ part two ~

The maiden slurps with her straw, staring at him in a late restaurant with a comfortable back door.  His eyes on hers go to the side.  He turns to look over the denizens, quiet, early for the crowd, late for the crowded.  Then back to her eyes staring.

She slurps.

Him - "So who are you ?"

Her - "The Maiden."


... slurp.

Her - "And you ?"

Him - "You ... don't know"

Her - Cutting him off at the end, "No."

Him - "That ... is truly amazing."

Her - Smiles, "I like these sodas."

Him - Slurps, "Me t"

Her - "Wanna fuck ?" 


Him - "Into the dawn.  Into eternity.  And into my world."


Her - "Okay then."

Juliet just across bridge, the crowds at their way, mist and steam parted in walking paths generated purposefully in the machinery's layout.

Dwarves watch over on high walkways with the gear-works made clearly for them, some appearing to adjusting the created structures through the steam-workings, with still experimental results.

Guards, or those who appear to be guarding move watching over on tall stilts.  Telescoping goggles to one another across the way and over the crowd, they signal each other's movements and to the Dwarves, heralding new machinery becoming as the carnival grows.

A stilt-walker leaps out crossing Juliet's path to chase a thief running, throwing out arm-stilts to match his legs.  He runs fast over the crowd on fours before swiping at the target's feet in a clearing, dropping him.  He whips a cord around the thief's neck from the other arm-stilt and drags him off kicking, choking quiet into the steam.

"It's alright, so long as it is."

Juliet - Turns to see Germain, "Lord Bacon."

Germain - "Dear God don't call me that here the vegetarians will eat me alive.  Germain will do."

Juliet - "I see ... then are you dead too ?"

Germain - "Look over there."  She looks, "Are you ?"

She turns back and he's gone.  Rolls her eyes and turns back her way.

Germain - Standing there, "Cetus adrenals ?"  He takes a wide eyed drop staring.

A cop at the Buick's driver side window, eyes go wide - "Whoa !  It's  ... You !"  Glances down, "whoa."

A middle finger rises from his lap, the man pushes it back down ... then a cloud of money from his lap hits the cop in the face.  The man sighs ... then tries to reach for the glove compartment.

Man - "I'm sorry, honey, could you ..."

Maiden - "! Fuck !"  She sits up and points a revolver at the cop.

Cop - "Whoa."

The man pushes the gun down ... takes it ... she crosses her arms annoyed looking away as he opens the glove compartment, files through some photos ...

Man - "Got a family ?  Like ... some kids and a wife ?"

Cop - "Um.  Yeah."

The man looks at the maiden, she glances at him with a short giggle.

Man - "They got names ?"


Cop - "No.  Wife and some kids."

She laughs, he signs a few and passes them out to the cop, a bottle of whiskey under the photographs.  "Sorry about that officer."  Gears the car, "She's a wild one."

Drives off.

The cop stares after as she sits out the side window pretending to shoot him with her fingers until gone.  Opens the bottle, takes a drink, watches them over the horizon.  He glances down at the pile of money, starts bending over,

"Well ..."

~ The car hits a puddle ~

Maiden - Driving with a hunched over quiver and exhale ... "Whooooooah ... that's a lot of fun.  But it's not fucking me.  So where's the chapel, boyo ?"  Glances down.

Man - Looks up from her lap and under a leg, her wrong foot on the pedals, his arms through her clothes, "You really are serious about that."

Maiden - Looking down, "Who repeats herself ?"


Maiden - Looks forward driving, an exhaled giggle, glances down ... "But I really do like that though."

Juliet - "... is this as with those tales of Fae the Shaxbard babbled, where if I take the food or drink ..."

Germain - "Here to stay ?  Oh ... I do hope not ... the food here is incredible, what's edible, anyway.

Juliet - "And where then, is here ?"

Germain - "Hm.  That's the complication.  No one knows !  Wasn't here before."  He stares taking another drop, "Are you sure ?  It's really quite rare."

Her hand moves to hilt.