The Hell ~ part three

Character notes ~

As a character, Yaldabaoth has never been intended to be interesting, and I never actually settled on any 'form'.  Likely just an old man, specifically anticlimactic.  

As a spirit he's never 'deigned himself' to assume anthropomorphic form by any description as this is really just a diplomacy of 'the gods' among humans.

(As Gaiman pointed out, if we were cats, they would be cats and to cats they likely are as far as any tale would tell of it.  Read 'The Sandman series.  It's singularly the reason why I don't bother bringing a lot of things up, it's been covered)

In Heaven so long as the throne was justly his (by technicality), the Seraphim were in essence 'programmed' to follow him, as creations of the throne itself.  But he required them there as defense and he had to maintain them as he could not destroy them.

The presumption is that he finally 'broke their coding' completely when he turned on Michael trying, but they still couldn't actually do anything about it.  

That's another story, but it is why Gabriel had to destroy it, so it could never happen again.  Since the angels are more tribe that servant.  This may or may not come up in Fourth Finale.

'The Mayor of Hollywoodland' (it's Yaldabaoth) exits his capitol.

Here, he's in full on goat headed and hoved 'satan mode', clear and not hiding in a world of his own creation, where he is the one and everyone there knows it.  Pimp strollin'.  Well dressed as a male though breasted, appearing much like the aliens in other tales I suppose if they'd mated with a goat.  

His posture and way is much like Apollo but clearly different.  Shredded and burned, then washed clean flags of states draped in the alien way from his shoulders (Apollo's were unwashed).  Fire from his eyes, he breathes hard as if the air ignited in his lungs by nature if not a constantly churning fury.

He walks the streets appreciating the construction and chores, well mannered though purposefully ignored.  He nods pleasantly to those who happen to see him before they return it and turn away head bowed to their task like an unwilling mechanism, which disturbs them fearfully.

Nocturne rides toward the nearing city.

On another street the maiden and man exit a shop laughing full of packages toward the center of town.

~ Walking ...

Distantly the mother scans in their direction, hanging from the chapel steeple by vine.  She checks the pistol load and snaps it shut.

~ Walking ...

Laughing with their packages the maiden and the man walk toward the center of ton, the mother lands before them fast and draws.  The man pulls the maiden's (his) pistol from her belt, spins off her back and latching her arm to pull her behind him.

He and the mother take their shots, she and the maiden go flying.

He stands a moment breathing hard and looks to the maiden.

Yaldabaoth stops in his walk and smells the air, looks to the distant brooding skies approaching.  Then a scant on the wind, distracted, a smile.  "Oh perfect day." 

He raises his arms and Lilith and Naamah are pulled through city and buildings to him, throats finally in the grip of each hand.  He spits fire to the ground in contempt.  Eve appears chained in the dissipating fire.

Yaldy - "My world.  My rules.  I've been looking for you."

Eve - "It's not your world.  Just another shit hole piled on top of it."

Lilith pulls the gun and he whisks it away with a turn of his head to the ground.

Yaldy - Necks choking hard as they kick, "We'll see."

Hit with a ball of hail, he winces the distraction.

Naamah - "Not ... your ... world."

Hail striking all around, a single quake.  He cracks their necks and drops them.  He looks to the storm and growls, then to Eve.  "Plans for you, little one."  

He knocks her aside, grabs the gun and charges the storm.

Adam arrives seeing Naamah then Lilith.  


He falls.

The man picks up the maiden, she looks up at him.

Maiden - "That still really fucking hurts you know.  I can't believe she shot me.  With a mortal's gun I mean.  I can totally see shooting me.  It means she did finally get some.  Clearly."  She starts getting up feeling her forehead.  "Owww ..."

Man - "But I didn't shoot her with a mortal's gun."

Maiden - Looks to the mother, a tear then back to the man, "Venus ?"

Man - "How'd you know ?"

Maiden - "Everyone knows."  ...  "So we're free now."

Man - "Yeah well these other gods seem to be fighting about nothing to to with us so let's get the fuck back to the car."

Maiden - Smiles leaning in, "And let's go home."


Mother - Aside, lying down, looking up, blood across her chest over the heart.  She watches them run off happy, then looks to her gun.  "God damn you Sam."  

She smiles and closes her eyes to last breath.  "Thank you.

Eve lay in the street, still chained as the hail picks up.  Ahead a tornado tip begins forming in the clouds approaching.  She struggles worm-like moving a second ... the sighs.  Looks ahead and sees more peaks forming in the clouds. 


Eve - "Oh for fuck sake."  Worms some more ...

A wall of rain approaches mixed with hale as Yaldy charges huffing flame, the occasional ball of ice pissing him off more.

Nocturne rides surrounded by the storm as the wave passes over, hail missing.  She leaps from her horse as he leaps to knock her off, horse veered.  The formed tornado slams them both down hard.

They rise facing in the eye, world and debris spiraling around.

He breathes fire over her as she close her eyes and smiles as it washes over her like water, filling the tornado with flame, burning refuse.  He draws and she shoots his shoulder without wound, but knocking the shot to the side.  She kicks the gun hand again, turning him more and sending the pistol to the storm.

She throws his other shoulder into the spin and grabs him in a headlock, chocking hard.  She smiles over his shoulder and whispers unknowns into his ear, watching the storm all around in wonder.

Leans in tightening grip and whispering joyously watching, laughs a bit and the world shakes from another quake, this one continuing, he starts to struggle for air. 

Yaldy - Yelling over the cacophony, "You're ... a fucking ... pawn !  A tool !"  A deep wheezing breath in embers ... "A broken beast ... once beautiful."  Struggle as she pulls his horn, "Stolen from the wild and broken by man ..."

She pulls a horn to turn his head, bracing forearm directly across the throat, other hand to her forearm, pulling hard.  He starts the desperate kick and is dropped to his hands and knees.

The storms cease, debris dropping all around, burning.

Nocturne - "You know nothing at all."  She stomps his center spine to a crack.  "And I don't even know who the hell you are."

She walks to pick up the fallen gun as he struggles for a rageful turn, then turns back to him armed.

Nocturne - "I volunteered."

Eve, still chained hears the shot, the roar, and another shot.

Then all is quiet, storm passing from the skies to the sea and around the town a spell seems lifted.  She watches Nocturne walking toward her from the distance, pistol in hand, the horse joining.  A flash, they're closer.  Another closer.  Another.  She stands over Eve, looking down. 

~ today ~

Morgan - Voiced over as Eve looks up at Nocturne, "Dearest Lilith."

Fades to Morgan walks the Misting Lands in market cloak.

Morgan - I know that both you and Naamah both had plans for shore leave, and very well earned.  But something's come up.  We need you in Japan as soon as possible, and I'm very sorry for this." 

She reaches into the mist and pulls up 'The Book of Names'.

Morgan - (VO) "I also know how much you hate dealing with her ... but please pass it along to Naamah, and don't forget Eve this time."

She pours her gin out over it, all but the last swig.  She strikes a match and watches the flame, drinks the last and tosses the bottle.  Drops the match to the book, igniting it.  Kicks it burning into the deeper mist unseen.

The sound of a shot.

Morgan - (VO), "It's Pivotal."

A crow caws through the voice over, as the messenger flying away from delivery.  She checks her hood and turns to the oblivious crowds.

Credits as she walks through the mist and steam, book burning away.  She arrives the docks crew under the Orson waiting, Andromeda smiles.
(credits to the music)
~ after credits ~

Nocturne returns to the Agent camp outside the armored truck, bodies strewn, horse at the edge.  Passing one by one, (the passenger doesn't seem to be among them ...) until the agent himself.

She falls kneeling over him, "No ..."  She feels around his face for a sign, her finger goes into the bullet-hole, center forehead.

Mishil - "I found you."

Nocturne looks up at her sobbing, then back to bullet head.  Hard breathing to a rage she draws, and no one's there.  She drops the gun screaming into the night.

Three nocturnes playing at different speeds to match tempo, bodies fading into those at the asylum, down the empty cages to her tube burning, mechanisms popping.  Over the fire and cracking glass ~

~ ends 'the maiden's tale' volumes one and two ~