Encompass ~ The Fourth Finale

(drafted and backed Dec 2020 Jan 2021 (Hell)

Aedera - (voiced over) "It wasn't always like this ..."

 ~ 2006 ~


Some guy outside Sanctuary's gate where his massive army stands, decorous if not pompous. - "To open these gates to this stolen land ... and to claim it rightfully ours !  We demand entry, or to face the One !  True  !  God of WAR !"  The massive army cheers for it, skies filling with beasts and delights.  
No response ... he looks around ...
"But that wasn't my role."
In the tree, Lucretia (in her current form ~ viney with another who looks much as she previously did ('Glitch'), peering over the pool projection they laugh ...

Glitch - "What's he going to do ?"

Lucretia - "He says to ignore them completely for three days, and then he's wiping them out personally."


They burst out laughing again, the Uncountably Large Army in the background ~ "Hoo-hoo-Hooah !" Echoes off as six ships in space part from another in space, the compass points, plus above and below, scan beams activating at their fores.  Each unique, some nearly biological, all refitted alike.
A dimly lit bridge, dull hued controls at stations, a captain's chair with flight wheel and control set before it.  The overall technology is heavy, toggled switches and hard levers operating recognizable components and physical responses.  To her left and in front, a sphere for a standing navigator very similar to One's on the Nautilus.  
To the right a gunner seated in a gunnery set into a similar sphere.  Each has two assistants, constantly chattering softly into their comms, their sound forgotten with that of the engine.

Navigator - "Six arrival times synced ... three days."
Aedera - "Release the system compass and lock with the other ships.  We are the compass now.  Keep them synced and updated constantly."

At the Navigator's globe approximations of the seeker fleet display location, marked to their arrival at locations highlighted as six compass points, though the proximities of each, vague.  A sigh, a hesitated hand.


Aedera - "Navigator.  Something on the mind ?"

Navigator - "We can't be the first to think of using these aberrations this way."

Aedera - "And we need them nonetheless.  A tear in space is a rare point in the universe which do not move.  They are the only true meter of relativity we will ever find.  And so we will meet whomever thinks like we do."


Navigator - "Freely speaking ?"


Aedera - Places her pistol on the armrest, "If one speaks it respectfully, enlighten us."


Navigator - "Hm."  A smile, "Well I smell battle."  He returns gaze to the globe, turning his back.  "And you're no warrior ... while death comes here and there, for any care in the world.  But these crew."
His team glaces at another ...

Gunner - "I might be one."  His team turns to the navigator ready.

Navigator - "I've heard.  But I haven't seen."

Aedera and the Gunner stare ...

Gunner - "What do we know of this navigator."

The navigator raises a brow ...

Aedera - "Only that he can be easily replaced."  
The navigator's team glances again, one smiles.

The navigator looks up smiling to Aedera.

Aedera - A short smile back with a gaze, "But he is among the best we could find for this foolishness and so we tolerate him, until he fails us."

Navigator - "Never heard of it.  Asteroid field approaching and the gravity pools do not match the mass ratios.  We're not alone.  So gunner up buttercup.  Stations."

Aedera - "And only five minutes in.  Drinks ?"  


The bridge turns as her bottle smashes across the view-screen.

~ A Kashikoi Song ~

Voiced over - "I was a librarian."

~ Encompass ~

('The Universe' by The Death Valley Girls)

(opening credits ~ i really want to use this video as is (credited)

~ 2016 ~

Timepiece rides through an unknown city.  Dim hues of brilliant colors, tall buildings connected by sky-ways, denizens moving between load times.  Checking her wrist computer and a read from the front of the bike she maps in an internet node, a central server for specialized traffic.  

Her eyes blink through, her view of the city breaking down to wire-form, showing avatars.

Timepiece - "Lucretia, I need into the telephone networks.  He's on the move and we need it's GPS."

Lucretia - "Do you think he's stupid enough ?"

Timepiece - "He's rich."


Both laugh ... "Bluetooth !"

Timepiece - "I'll be talking to his refrigerator by the time he walks in the door.  Network set ?"

Lucretia - Snickering, "Yeah.  They call it a 'smart house'.  Using a standard package.  I won't have much time to warn you before I boot you in, once a computer starts talking to his phone, you jump.  Be ready."

Timepiece - Eyes flicker through, the city returning to it's norm leaving the target locked and seen through.  "Hm."  She speeds off in the direction of the avatar.  "Did you catch that compass blip ?"

Lucretia - "I think everyone must have ... I think ... hang on.  I think ... it looks like it's from a lost seeker fleet ... like ten years ago ... but once they hit their check-points, they were just ... gone.  The next teams we sent found nothing, set up shop and quiet ever since."


Timepiece - Checks her comp, history, distance traveled from the length of time missing, files of the missing, presumed dead.  "Lucretia.  I think they just kept on going."


Lucretia - "That's what they say, but this ... signal's fucking dated as hell.  Pong-comm.  I can't differentiate which ship this was but it's not coming from the tears or anywhere near them, just pinging off their beacons, and it shouldn't have this pattern."


Timepiece - Looks up the presumed location, signal pulses from crossing stars and planetoids, matching a signal ... pinging through the compass beacons.  "Hm."  The same one after the next from the tears in space, their last known transmission in the file.  "Lucretia.  I think ..."

Lucretia - "They did.  This is all six signals sent from the same location ... you're jumping."

Timepiece - Pops riding through a tubular network among many other signals as pulses.  "Are we in ?"

Lucretia - "Fucker's already adjusting the temperature.  Welcome home.  As for the signal ... location verified.  Coming as a pulse like you said.  The signal's held clean open tone but crossing bodies.  It could be chained to the beacons for distance ..."

Timepiece - Observing the signal mapped as a planet passes through, size recording ... "It's a map.  That's why.  They did it so we'd have a complete map of the region to jump."  She exits the tunnels into a more consistent network, the city building with its load time and connections expanding.  She stops to watch, "I'm concerned."
... a sigh ...

Lucretia - "Yep !  Like we can just ignore it !  ...  One thing at a time.  Finish the mission, set the nodes and come back when it's solid.  I'll keep you informed.  We need time to let the data sift in for jump projects ... a while.  Once we have a predictable region map, you're up."


Lucretia - "Wanna fuck with the temperature while he's sleeping ?"

Timepiece - "Absolutely.  I'm in his voice companion now."  Watching the map on her wrist expand through the smart-house connections to the web. "And ... expanding the networks back out to the rest.  We can come and go as we please."

The map expand to networks across the real world, their trace glowing, out to the satellites, view past into space.

Lucretia - Voiced over the view out, "I think we just did."

As they approach the asteroid belt, three other ships the same in their locations, all scanning across, Aedera's approaches a floating wreck.  Approaching with a scan across it's bow as it drifts, 'The Revenge'.  Floating through the light, parts blown off, entire sections missing, girders hanging without prize.  Scan off.

Navigator - A note of concern, "Do you know of this ship ?"

The Revenge lights a spotlight across their own bow, ship's ~ 'Gargarean Rose'.

Revenge Captain - On comm, "Ghost ship.  Your business."

Aedera - Crew turning to her, "Exploration and fitted for war.  We seek tears in space as a compass for the motion of the universe.  And to discover if and who or what holds them already."

Revenge - A laugh, followed by more behind.  "Know that everything you've just said is babble here.  And so we know not to fear you.  Passage.  And you will return to us with this ... 'data' ... you seek on your honor for said ... 'passage'.  But these ships ... whom do you represent ?"


Aedera - "We represent Sanctuary.  And you are welcome there as well."

More wrecks similar to the Revenge settle slowly around the Rose.  


Revenge - " 'Sanctuary'.  ...  We will guide you into landing.  Prepare your craft for boarding and search.  And yourself for Lord Charon.  He'll have questions I think."

Aedera - "And I will have answers."


Revenge - "So be it.  Adjust the range of your arrogance to the harmonics between these stones in the field.  Remember it is constantly in flux, or you'll be blind again.  And welcome to Tartarus."

('The Story of Isaac' by Pain Teens)

She observes the assistants work at the navigator's station with his occasional bark to their fouls, until the screen reinitializes.  Ahead in similar ways to the networks formed in the web, moving structures form between the asteroids, walkways between in motion, lengthened and shortened as they pass, with full populace making use.  

The citizens are mostly naked, hidden barely if, by robes and scraps, themselves occasionally seeming sentient, like the living furs of the lost beasts of their once biosphere.

Templed across the larger, the smaller stones as nodes connection bridges, some sphered over smooth, transmitting.  More and more ships surround the Rose as it enters on approach for what appears a main temple, a large landing before it, their ships landing with a turn for the Rose's expected placement.

As their scan-lights dim the view to normal on that central stone, with distant objects fluttering in light through and away the same as their frequency shifts from theirs.  The dead trees seen more clearly in the dimming away, hard rooted through the rock-bed, hey grow over with the filling in of these shards of lost biosphere.  

The overall appears somewhere between a warrior's hall and a hunting lodge.

Walking from that structure to greet, Lord Charon.  From behind as it lands, Lady Styx with the boarding party.  Aedera exits the Rose with a guard of the gunner, nav and engineering assistants, cargo ramp left open for the Tartari.  

Ghost gear armor flickering over upon activation then unseen, her eyes adjust to the changing asteroid bridges for where she looks, then with her attention back to where she is.

Charon - "The others fled us immediately.  Wise.  We let them run.  Gaiani rabbits do not nourish, all hunters do know.  And so before to our business, what is it that makes you special among them to be standing here now before me, so proud."

Aedera - Smiles shortly.  Pulls a bottle from her satchel, yanks the cork and drinks.  "Alcoholism.  Post traumatic stress.  The intrinsically felt desire to die not only from this world or that but from all of them entirely which is quickly and unfortunately met by my own cold.  Cruel.  Stubbornness.  Every time.  Among other things."


Charon - Smiles, "And what is your drink there ?  Our hall is your platter for a taste of it warrior, and to welcome our own other similar delights.  But leave your crew behind.  We do not know them."

Aedera takes another long drink watching him before passing it, he watches her as he drinks of it.  She nods the guard off then as they turn back to the ship, met by Lady Styx's curious glare analyzing, the Hecate behind her, armor chunked off, death beneath.  
They toward the hall.