Juliet Firebird ~ three

~ The Maiden's Tale ~ chapter three ~ part three ~

The Keeper wanders the carnival unnoticed, head down, hiding her eyes under hair, holding her book with both arms.

"There you are."

The Magistrate and Asherah pulling her in for a hug.
Asherah - "You made it back ... we couldn't find you."


Keeper - "I ... I think I've done bad things ..."  Tears stream.

Magistrate - "Ashua.  You were in a bad wrong world in a bad wrong time and you did what you needed to find your way back to us.  But you know what ?  I don't think you need to live there, ever again."

He kisses her forehead, she drops the book and hugs him.  They stand and walk away, holding her each hand, book left behind in the mist.

Asherah - (voiced over into the next scene), "Now let's go home."

Apollo enters his control room (filmed as 'Ishi Tales'),  A mist drifting through the distant end of the main thoroughfare, people entering from the rubble in rags, greater and greater populous pouring.

Apollo - "Lead ships bomb the courtyard please.  Kill them all and return to dock."

As it a gust of fog passes in a front, Lord Charon and Lady Styx walking.

Out across the Tartarus asteroid belt, spirits cling to stone amid ghostly biospheres.  They look up before they dash across space, intertwining and dividing through the worlds, collecting more.  Then last joined by those of the outer asteroid belt, another people entirely.

Mist wisping in the front he sights the army of Lost Brotherhood.  People begin exiting the rubble surrounding the main thoroughfare to join them.

Nibiru ships dip noses from the docking ring departing. 

Apollo looks the field and arriving ghosts more curiously than concerned, swapping the view modes, the spirits being non-existent on most, while more and more living pour out to fill the field.  A smile and a short laugh.

~ Behind the brotherhood, turtle walkers emerge looming over them as they charge, ghost-ships porting in.

Colorful clouds, lightning across shows a grid-work sky.

The Decibel ports directly in front of the control tower firing fore and dropping bombs along it slight incline, knocking out the turrets and hitting the squared base.  A team chutes in after.

~ Decibel jumps away, tearing at the beaten structure of the command.

Apollo turns running from his console before destruction for the door.  The emergency panels slams behind.  He pulls his rifle off an aching shoulder from beneath the conquered flags and jacks out the long pike blade.

The Decibel ports back over the field, deploying chuted guns to the crowd and firing on the lucky targets to clear their way.

Pragmatism - Upon hard landing to the gathering crowd, "They're breached !  Get in before the bombs, and let the ghosts care for the damned !  Raid !  These !  Mother !  Fuckers !"

The full field charges the hole at tower's base, more pouring from the surrounding city.  While the bombs beginning to strike from Apollo's ships, as many scream for shelter as justice.

~ The chuting guns fall ...

Behind, the ghost army swarms for the nearest ships in the air, ground firing pods of dead brigades into their hulls.  More flurry ahead of the living charge while the fortunate gather arms and take point, swarming Apollo's guards gathering at the tower base.

The guards' views of the world become terrifying with sight of the undead among the charging hoard.  Many turn to flee and are taken and disarmed, dispatched before moving on.  Halls haunted, pouring ahead the follow the screams.

At the ring control over the primary beam mechanism, Decibel ports back and bombs the light turrets in a flurry, then pounds a hole with the cannons.

Nocturne dives in followed by Timepiece.

~ Decibel ports back to the nose of the lead cruiser then away, pulling it's course sideways.  Back over another, bombing run across it's surface ending with a hard hit on it's engines, finishing them with a port.  Returns showing the fore cannon of another with the debris of the other.

Inside the ring, gathering guards on either side of the breach above, they back to back and prepare.  The no-birds flock through, filling the hall in a swarm, knocking back the nearest attackers.  It gathers and turns form before Nocturne.

No-Queen - "Hi."

Nocturne - Smiles, "... hi."

The No-Queen Pulls her into a kiss (with Timepiece about to attack, then pulled in back to back by the neck, vaguely gently).

Timepiece - Struggling to turn and see, "You ... manage a complicated love life for ... facing the end of our worlds."

Nocturne - As the No-Queen pulls away, looking down shyly, she smiles.  "yeah ... i do ..."

The No-Queen smiles back, then splits her flock into two and clearing the halls to alien screams, gone.

Nocturne - "... her name is Shumi."

... distant screams ...

Timepiece - Locks through her eye pieces (annoyed) and loads her gunblades, "I'd really like to destroy things now."

Nocturne - Smiles after the screams ... "yeah ... me too ..."  Sees her staring.  The eyes.  "Yeah.  Let's go."

They turn running.

Apollo notes the lack of guards at the elevator, two guns on the floor and discarded insignia sashes.  He kicks them aside and enters, works the controls, the door stutters ... he pounds the panel hard.

Head up, Strophius' gunblade an inch from his eye.

Strophius - Smoke from his mouth as he speaks, filling the elevator, "She was right."  He shoots.

The door closes.

Nocturne - Firing down a filling hall, "Speaking ... of 'complicated' ... did you know ... you're dating ... the zombie queen of England ?!"

Timepiece - "Not your concern right now !"  She launches the blades, clearing the front and runs to advance, loading more.  She smiles ... then slashes into screams.

Nocturne - Shouts after, "Like it won't be later !?"  Ignored and watching, to herself.  "Hm.  Really thought being an unkillable super soldier would be more useful here."

Shot in the back of the head, blowing her helmet off and face-plant.

Nocturne - Pushing back up, "! Finally !"  Leaping into attack, firing from the left, she throws a ribbon blade with the right (alien Wilhelm).

The elevator passes down, lights through the view, smoke drifting across the lights.

ring part ...

The elevator further down ...

goes here ...

and ...

The crumbling ring, gate shutting down before demolition ... (yay !)

The door opens to the view over his headless body, identity ignored and unknown among the masses overtaking the guards in a riotous noise.  A random cloaked Nibiru worker pries the gun from his hands and continues the fight as it rages down the hall, leaving silence.


(the performers listed as DOOM monsters)

Remember the two frame flat monsters that looked like they were dancing while throwing fireballs ?  It plays through as the 'Dance Lessons' scene (barely) in 32 bit while the view shoots through the non-party demons (cast credits, they choose their beast).

Weapons out of ammunition one by one, down to the chainsaw.


~ mid-song pause after credits ~

Outside the gate to Persephone's manor, undamaged with no sign of fire on the house or lawn.  Yet the gate chain's been cut and left as was piled, only the normal latch on the gate.  A dragon silhouette crosses the moon with a distant roar ... gargoyle heads turn watching.

Women's voices in the dark, shadows in the bushes shaking the leaves.

1 - "I can't believe you call this a date night."

2 - "Last time worked out great !"


1 - "Sure.  So what the hell is with all the zombies."

2 - "I heard it's got secret passages to the underworld.  Like Versailles.  I hit Versailles once you know.  Looking for airship designs.  Someone else got there first so I took it out on the treasury.  Before our time."  Laughing, "DeBaatz was pissed !  Nearly shot his own guard.  Ever been ?"

1 - "I took a bath there once and had to kill a shit talking gnome."


2 - "Really ?"

1 - "Yeah.  It was when you were hanging out with your creeper friend."

2 - "Keeper.  She's nice !"

1 - "Like hell.  She's going to kill you."

2 - "No she won't."


1 - "Fine.  But it's still stupid, those are zombies, and I am not leaving this bush."


2 - "Let's ... just focus on training the new girl."

1 - "You mean date night."


3 - "Are we highwaymen yet ?"

(1:00 continues, boring credits continue 'til the end)

~ The end of Persephone's Manor, volumes I and II ~