Cost and Diversions ~ three

~ chapter three ~ part three ~

Dealer Mike - Looks up from the Game-Brick 2000, seeing Timepiece.  "Holy shit.  What do you need."

Timepiece - ... "This computer.  I need it's access.  This era makes no technological sense to me."

Mike - Puts the game down.  "I hear ya.  Starting with that computer.  There's nothing special about it.  Economy laptop.  Torn from it's mounts.  Runs Windows." 

Clerk - "Home edition."

Mike - "Yeah don't tell anyone but we became a Technocracy when no one was looking so what you need is this."  He pulls out a flash drive.  "It will tell their satellites your computer is one of theirs, via their signal."

Timepiece - "Range."


Mike - ... "Range ?"  They look at each other.  " 'The internet'."

Clerk - "Did you hear they put wi-fi on the moon the other day ?"

Mike  - "I did hear that.  So that's my, flashdrive.  By the way.  It has everything. ... It has everything."

Timepiece - "Cost."

The clerk looks at him.

Mike - Picks back up the Game-Brick, "Nothing at all."  Starts playing.

The clerk stares.


Timepiece - "I give you this.  She drops the computer and grabs the drive, plugs it into her wrist comm checking ... looks at him, turns and leaves.  Gone, doors slamming in series.


Clerk - "What.  The.  Fuck."

Mike - Still playing, "My good man I have traveled from one land in this world to the next.  And I have seen a lot of strange things ... and I can tell you that that girl.  Is going to outer space."

... game sounds ...

Clerk - "Yeah I could see that happening."

Mike - "Always buy stock in the next religion, my friend."

... game sounds ...

The clerk tosses the road-stone onto the desk, Mike raises a brow.

Turnstile - Echoing from the alleyway, "Jesus Fuck !  Who the hell leaves a blunderbuss in the alleyway.  ! Broooom Giiiirrrrllllll !"

A stack of three coins on the table while Lawrence examines the fourth under stacked magnifiers.  Juliet crosses the bridge, the broom floats crossing the path beneath.

Yorick's head soars through the air as the music fades in ...

('Three Lions' by Lightning Seed)

 (! what the hell is that and why is he kissing it !)

The world spins behind him, view locked on his face in tumble.


He lands jaw clamped onto a soldier's forehead.  It begins.

Mariposa, Nocturne, and Mishil lean on the opposite side of the crashed Edsel as the screams and shooting starts, music in the distance with the battle.

~ as the occasional stray shot pings ~

Nocturne - "It'll take like ten minutes.  Trust me, I know."

Mishil - "I read intel on that one, there were a lot of civis in the way.  I've got five on five."


Mariposa - "Fifteen on fifteen ... ?"


Nocturne - "Meh.  Ten on ten."

All - "Done."

In the mass of soldiers, zombies tearing among their number, the song at volume.  Most vehicles have been exited to assist, confusion, various smoke pops and comm calls gone silent, callbacks ordering answer.

Mariposa - Watching through a spyglass, a bullet pings off the hood next to her.  "I don't think they brought inconspicuous vehicles."

Mishil - Lights a joint and passes to Nocturne, "That's a problem."

Nocturne - Inhales ... "Yep."

Mariposa - Shoots it a look, suspiciously, 'What's that !?"

Zombie battles ...

Yorick getting kicked around in the scuffle, the view his.

All three lie in a pile ... the sounds of battle and screaming fades with the music ... then moans ...

Mishil - "Hm.  I guess that's better."

Nocturne - "Definitely easier anyway."


Mariposa - Exhales smoke ... "Yep." 

the end. 

~ credit roll ~

(song to be replaced)

Timepiece works the wrist computer, her work triggering code on the side (the credits).  She activates a sub-protocol to run the flash software, poking at systems, opening and closing, learning.

Networks it to police web, hitting the military firewall.

She pings a signal off and records the echo, then reconfigures it to an SOS in cross-layered Morse as a static pulse.  Copies the flash contents to her wrist comp, then the reconfigured protocols to the flash.

She lifts a protective cover on the motorcycle's side, a wire hangs with a flash plug.  Connects it, tapes in and closes the panel.  Spin off riding.

Off roads, pitch dark (the view fades to black, leaving the credits in her goggle view, still processing flash contents).

~ mid credit ~

A flash of a light and heavy gust as a craft begins it's landing in front of her, she skids to stop.  The wide ramp drops hard in the engine steam.

Elizabeth (Gaslight) walks down to her.

She runs her fingers over the mechanisms of her head examining, her eyes widen, excitement.  Then down along her natural cheek to her lips and across them.

Smiles, her other hand slides up, then an abrupt pull at the set to tilt her head before a kiss.  Behind in the clearing smoke, 'The Decibel', battered hard, Pragmatism at the top of the ramp waiting.

Elizabeth - Whispered between kisses, "I found you."

(song continues (at 2:42)

The view to the night sky, passing the swinging planets of the machine, through along the turning moons, suspended in the twirling mechanisms.  Along every planet tale visited, one by one, suspended in the works.

First the writer's hand carries a little origami model of the Decibel, then Timepiece's hand and his again, his over hers guiding, then just hers.

Through to the populated Nibiru streets (realistic), view passing ahead of her hand.  Dark with obelisk structures and temples, as Kashikoi but fallen and re-built over and over.

Basic industrial and transit vehicles, street lights mostly out, darkness.  Chaotic sky traffic amid the thin rows.  No appearance of rule or law, a civilization after collapse, yet maintained minimally as an active hub for a forgotten system.

The Decibel jumps over the main, heavy sentry cannons in long rows.

They turn and shoot.

(the end)

('Twelve times Twelve' part one is leaked onto the web here)