The Pivotal Western ~ chapter three

Nocturne's eyes go wide as the back doors of the armored truck are pulled open into the dark, parted by the cab passenger before he moves to point.  The agent leans in and whispers in her ear.  She smiles with a giggle, then looks concerned and starts to turn her head away.

The agent grabs her chin hard, the soldiers take aim, safeties go off and loaded.  The agent keeps whispering, unlocking her chains as he watches her eyes go cold.  She whispers the words 'Don't die'.

The chains drop and she stands looking over the crouching and seated guards, then at the passenger as he tightens his grip.  She stares at his finger over the trigger guard, as it's own decision being made.  A step to the side, the barrel follows, the other way, it hesitates, then follows.

She crouches low inside the truck to his outside eye level.

Nocturne - "That's when it would have been.  And all these men would have died.  Because you have that sliver in your soul.  Driven.  Between duty and disbelief."

Another crude glance over them all, she leaps running out the back door and into the night.  The passenger watches after, then through the scope as she disappears into the woods.

Agent - Behind him, from inside the truck, "She's right."

A knife slams into the bar-room table (cell door sound).

Maiden - "Excuse me ?"

Random - To the man, "Your woman needs a lesson.  You or me ?"

Man - Reading the paper, "Uh.  That'd be you pal.  Have fun with that."  Puts back up the newspaper.

Random - Smiles ... "Well alright then."  Gets hit with a chair.

~ Pivotal Western ~

The rest of the bar stands up, the tender glances down to the shotgun under the bar ... rolls his eyes and turns his back to sort bottles.  The maiden breaks two legs from the chair's remnants and stomps the back of Random's neck watching the others.

The man lowers the paper a bit to see ...

She flips a leg over and stabs him through three times each, back and forth fast, watching the threatening (and curious) crowd with a smile.  A moment of horror before they reach.

She charges them grabbing a table from under some gamblers by the leg along the way.  The players sit with their hands staring, deck and coin scattered.

An attacker gets slammed into a wall with the flat of a table, she holds it up by a leg and kicks it repeatedly until the man goes limp, then gets shot in the back (a lot), shredding the new dress.

Maiden - "! Fuck !"

The man shakes his head, pulls out his wallet and separates out some cash into his pocket.  Goes back to the paper.  One approaches him drawing, then shot through the paper (headline ?).

The center wall of shooters is hit with the table as a flung disk, two table legs hitting two of the shooters on either side.  She leaps in.  

Man - Reading, "Don't forget their money !  That'd be all yours ... guns are shit though."  Tosses her the pistol and puts the money back in his wallet under the table.

She catches by the barrel and hammers one across the face with it.  Jumps on him as he falls and starts beating, annoyed at the shots knocking her around before she's blown off screen by a shotgun.

Shot-gunner approaches, she points the gun ...


He looks confused and takes aim.

Man - "Safety !"

Maiden - "Fuck you !"

Both shoot, both knocked backward off-screen, silent bar, wreckage.

Man playing cards - "I had thirty in the kitty and twenty in the pot."


Another player - "The hell you did."

~ The Hell ~

The agent on the hill, the passenger watches the distant city lights fading into dawn, binoculars go down.

Passenger - "How will we know when she gets there at this distance ?"

Agent - "We'll know."  A gust of wind hits them in the faces, then nothing.  The passenger looks back at him.  "Get used to it.  She'll send a pulse when she's near."  Glances at where the passenger watches, a short laugh and walks away.

Passenger - Shakes it off and puts up the binoculars, "Pulse.  What the fuck does that even mean.  Morse motherfucking code ?  And do I even get a fucking name for this role ?  Noo ..."

Mambathu - "... everyone knows the Tempest was just another Faust.  Again he steals from Marlowe.  There was nothing of his own.  And this ... 'Ariel' ... Dee's handiwork no doubt, the Gnostic fools.  A thief as well.  All Edward Kelly's work.  Everyone knows this, and ..."

Lilith - "Wow you need to shut up we're finally there.  Look."  She turns his face to the city as they near the city wall, course for the air-docks at the center.

(I can and will describe over time the ideas I have for the look of it but honestly it's about what you'd imagine at this point so until it's solid let yourself flow on that.  Goes with the song, as they head for the central dock and what's going on below them.)

~ The riverboat approaches the city, the Mother swings vine armed off the decks into a run for it, leaving it behind.


~ Nocturne out from the woods behind a carriage, crawling over the back.  She grabs the driver's rifle leaning on the seat. the knife and pistol from his belt, the provision sack behind him, leaps for the left horse.


She pulls the bit, kicks off the pin and shoot out the rod, frightening the horses apart.  The carriage taking to the trees, she straightens for the path, pulling off all the horses restraints.


The mother leaps for a high chapel peak over the wall, wrapping it with vine.  She crouches low, looking over the city, regressing to maiden, but the arm supporting her.


(as the song ends in throat singing)

Nocturne - Leans forward to it's ear and whispers a language unknown until "Don't Die".  She kisses it's cheek and grips it close as it takes speed with determination.

She leans on it as though to sleep, smiles.

The ground quakes hard just once in the city, pausing the passers-by as the Arena takes dock.  All hesitate including the keep, arms a bit out until a moment of nothing.

Cautious continuation and a few eyes to the offshore storm.

He lowers his rifle, watching by eye with nothing seen.  Turns to slam the doors, the agent grinning inside.

Nocturne's eyes open as the gas leaves the tube, the agent through the aged blurred window.  The sounds of the nocturnes playing fades out as the door opens.

The agent fires a Thompson unto the tube while she twitches against the chains until she's screaming, drum emptied.  The tube slams shut and fills again with gas.  Heavy breathing while the nocturnes resume.

Her heavy breath continues as she runs through the night woods, music fading out.  She leaps to a low branch and pulls herself into the tree, climbing fast to the swaying top.  She looks to the near distant LA lights in the dawn.


At the agent camp, the passenger watches the distant city for nothing, sun up, the ground quakes an aftershock.  He steadies himself ...

Agent - Behind him, "She's almost there."  He walks to prepare the others while the passenger has that look of 'reconsidering his job opportunities' about him.